4994 /sōphronízō “Literally "living in divine moderation" is moving in the "bigger picture" transforming someone to be "radically-balanced". This radical-moderation requires a complete perspective that is eclectic, combining the legitimate extremities of truth from both sides of a matter…”

how can we help you?

Do any of the following sound familiar?

  • Unexplained feelings of anxiety, depression & emotional pain

  • Constant stress, fatigue and lack of motivation

  • Persistent relationship challenges

  • Feeling paralysed in decisions making

  • Addictions, unwanted unhealthy habits

  • Trouble managing food intake and negative feelings about yourself and your life

These are common signs of unresolved trauma

It’s Time to Heal. Let’s Talk.

If any of the above resonates with you and you're feeling unsure about what’s happening or where to start, we invite you to book a free consult call. In this confidential, no strings attached call, we’ll answer your questions, and help you determine the best next steps for your healing journey.

Nice to meet you!


It is lovely to have you here. You are so welcome.

Sound Mind was founded with the purpose of bringing not only hope, but also long lasting, transformation to individuals who are struggling to enjoy and thrive in their everyday life and relationships. Challenges can seem incredibly confusing and difficult when we have to navigate it alone, but they can be surprisingly empowering and strengthening when we have the right guidance and support.

I am convinced that a deep and broad understanding of the impacts of trauma and stress is crucial for long term wellness. I have no doubt that living free from trauma is possible. The journey isn’t overnight, it isn’t linear but I can promise you, it absolutely is available. Your life holds so much more significance than what you ever dare to dream, and embarking on this journey is saying yes to discovering that for which you were created. When we hold that in mind, even the hardest of times become filled with purpose.

It would be an honour to walk this journey with you, however long that may be.

Please reach out if you have any questions, I would love to hear from you.

Julani Potgieter

Sound Mind Director
Trauma Therapist & Social Worker

Where are we?

Sound Mind is now online and in person


Trauma Therapy
Brisbane AUS, QLD

“Knowing oneself comes from attending, with compassionate curiosity to what is happening within.” - Gabor Maté